Friday, November 16, 2012

Planting Paperwhites With Jack & The Sum Of These Moments

for someday
they will be the BIG THINGS."
Years ago I found this quote on an Ivory Soap
it stuck with me ever since.
I try to keep this in mind EVEN when my days
are crazy.
Whether you stay home or work,
 LIFE gets busy.
And it can be hard to juggle it ALL.
I TRY to remember the importance of 
slowing down, 
being "in the moment"
truley treasuring those small & simple moments
I get with my boys, my husband, family & friends.
Because I KNOW one day I will look
back & realize it was the sum of those moments
that defined MY LIFE:).
Here are a few photos of Jack helping me plant
He LOVED to hand me each pebble one by one:).
And of course he, we made a mess
but.......hey that's LIFE, esp.with a 2 year old:).

  FYI, I bought my paperwhites at
They were a good deal,
you but a pack you get one for free.
Cross your fingers that they bloom,
this is my first time:).
Have a great weekend with your
family & friends,


  1. Super Sweet. Your Paperwhites are going to look beautiful. I have faith that they will grow.
    Love that ivory soap quote....It's a good one.

  2. The third picture of Jack, where he is looking into the camera with those sweet eyes, melted my heart! Good for you for realizing that those are the moments that make up our lives,

    I too have faith that your Paperwhites will bloom and can't wait for your post about it,

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!


  3. Oh Jen thanks for telling us where to buy them! Just ordered and got one free! Would love to know where you found your pebbles- they are so pretty! Love them in that wooden bowl! My 2 year old will love watching these grow along with my 9 year old:)

  4. What gorgeous photos and I love that quote. Beautiful! Fingers crossed they grow for you ;)

  5. Sweet photos! You're inspiring me to plant some paperwhites. :-)

  6. I found you on craftberry bush! I love your blog and your style! Im a new follower.

  7. I love paperwhites - planted them for the first time last year! One thing - they like to droop when they get to their full height - you'll probably have to stake them.

    Jack is adorable!!!

  8. Thanks Kelli for the tip! Lisa-The rocks are actually crushed oyster shells, you can find them at any feed & seed supply store:). Enjoy your Sunday everyone!

  9. You have such a sweet blog! I'm your newest follower - I found you through the blog hop! :)

  10. This is so sweet. I planted paperwhites for the first time this year with my three year old son, as well! It was such a simple and easy way to include him in something and he loved it!! Every morning he looks at them and says "they're blooming mama!"

    Random question, but where did you get those little pebbles? The exposed dirt has bothered me and I bought moss to cover it up, but I didn't feel that either. I like the pebbles.....
