Tuesday, November 20, 2012

DIY Deer Silhouette Art Tutorial-Recycled Christmas Project #2

Hi Everyone!
I hope you ALL had a happy weekend:).
It went by too fast, as always.
So much to do & such little time,
especially around this time of year.
Speaking of "this time of the year", how are all
of you choosing to decorate your homes this season?
My style this year, I am finding
 is lots of neutrals, textures and greens.
I like to do a lot of creative things around my home
for the holidays and that can cost $$$,
so this year I threw myself a challenge.
Not only to do it on a budget but to reuse & recycle
things I already have.
So over the weekend I went shopping in my basement.
I have to tell you that I was re-inspired by
If this is offered again, sign up!!
What you spend you will save x10, at least.
Anyways, you can't believe what I found.
And over the next few weeks
I will be sharing these projects.
Here is Recycled Christmas Project #2
 Just wanted to also share that I am an
animal LOVER.
Although this art is of a deer head,
it is a silhouette
I am embracing it's beauty:).
And because it's Christmas time!
 The Before
This is an IKEA frame that I had in the basement.
I popped out the glass, matte & picture
and flipped the back over to the smooth side.
Or any frame will do.
 Make sure you take off any stickers.
 Roll on your paint.
 Yes, it is a decal!
I bought it at Vinyl Vineyard, on Etsy.
I am sorry for the lighting but these were taken at night,
after my boys went to bed:).

Click here for Recycled Christmas Project #1,
which is this Starburst Paper Wreath
(from an old dictionary & left over wreath tube from last year).
I wanted to thank all of you who have begun following me
over the last few months,
Not to mention all of the google & email followers!
Please know that every visit & comment left is greatly appreciated,
as I know it is your time you are sharing with me.
Sharing at
I hope you ALL enjoy your homes
& your families this week
and Happy Thanksgiving!



  1. Jenn, What a brilliant idea! I love the deer silhouette... and what makes it just the best is that it's a decal! Looks perfect in your beautiful home!!!
    You have given me lots of creative ideas here!

  2. The deer silhouette looks great!

  3. Jen,
    This is so great! I love that you can have a deer head without actually having a deer head! lol!

  4. Jen, I love this! I think my husband would love this even more since I got rid of his real deer head years ago. This would be a good compromise! :)

  5. Love this! It looks so great above your cute wreath :)

  6. Gorgeous..such an elegant look...cannot believe it is a decal...fantastic idea Jen..

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!!!

  7. Just stunning Jen! I love your style so much- I HAVE to make one of these! Awesome job and you found the perfect place for it!

  8. I love this! So simple yet beautiful. Much nicer than the "real" ones that grace our basement...hee hee. Your newest follower. :)

  9. Very cute idea! Have a great holiday.

  10. wow that turned out great... simple and sweet! love the soft neutral colors you use throughout your home. found you at french country cottage... happy to follow along.

  11. Jen...this is just too cute! love it & so glad you shared a tutorial...might have to try to do one myself! Have a great weekend! xoxo, tracie

  12. Love your art work and it looks great there with your cabinet - just lovely! I want to check out the Etsy link too, thanks!

  13. Now why didn't I think of that? I love it!

  14. Hi Jen!
    Thanks for posting and linking to my vinyl shop! I was wondering if I could use a few of your photos for my listing? I would be happy to leave your watermark so you'll even receive some traffic links.
    What do you think? Let me know!

  15. Super cute, just wondering... What did you use to paint the frame? Love it.
