Monday, August 20, 2012

My Favorite Films and Most Loved Spaces

Hi friends!
I hope you all had a nice & relaxing weekend.
My husband took the boys all Saturday
so I could play catch up.
I cleaned & cooked(which I hadn't done in while, bad me)
and worked on a small video for the new e-course
Creatively Made Home.
Wow, it was so much harder than I thought.
Jeanne, one of the hosts does it seamlessly, she makes it look so easy.
I did a little happy dance when I was done:).

Anyways, it really got me thinking & dreaming.
of what makes a house feel like home.
And what is it about a space makes you instantly feel connected.
Some of the best home inspiration for me has come from movies.
I become attached to the houses but also to the stories that go along with it.
Here are a few of my favorite films and most LOVED spaces.

It's Complicated
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The Family Stone
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The Holiday
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Somethings Gotta Give

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The Time Traveler's Wife

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I wish I could have found more pictures, especially of the inside.
Wasn't this an amazing house?
Where these some of your favorites too?

Thanks for stopping by today!
And don't forget to enter for your chance
to win the Creatively Made Home giveaway, click here.



  1. The "It's Complicated" movie house is one of my new favorites - I just watched it the other day because it gives me such a warm, cozy feeling. Isn't that crazy?

    Another "comfort house" is the "Father of the Bride" house. LOVE that house!

  2. omg did you write this post just for moi?

    the it's complicated house is one i am dreaming about building right now. to capture that cozy lived in lovely we all desire for our families.

    thanks for this!


  3. I haven't seen The Time Travelers Wife but every single one of those other movies are my favorite movie homes and I watch them over and over again!!! I also love the house in Spanglish and Life as We Know it.

  4. What an amazing post - now to go back quite awhile lol - the home in Mary Poppins was gorgeous too!!!

  5. Wow, you've chosen some really great film houses - the only one that I'm not crazy about is the inside of the house from The Stones.
    I guess the Friends apartment would be one of those comfy places, even though it is not really my style =) xo Anja

  6. Thanks for sharing all the inspiration! I love the house from that movie with Meryl Streep!

    Have a blessed day!

  7. I haven't seen "it's complicated" but I would totally love that kitchen. And based on some of the comments, I may have to watch it.
