Saturday, August 18, 2012

"Creatively Made Home" Giveaway!

 Happy Saturday!
I am so excited to be able to share these details  
 to the new e-course
hosted by the  very talented Jeanne Oliver
 and with her, 4 of the most creative women in blogland.

I am also super thrilled to announce
that starting today I will be giving away
3 spots to this class!!!!

Here are the details in Jeanne's words.
Join me and some of the most creative women I know in
Creatively Made Home.
I chose each of these women not only because of the beautiful homes
 they create but how they have incorporated their truest joys in everyday life.
Each woman has a style and story all her own.
This is a five week online course that will be hosted by
and Me..... Jeanne Oliver
I wanted to create a course that celebrated what really matters in your and your family.
I also wanted to celebrate making life beautiful in the everyday.
I know that so many want to make their homes beautiful but feel overwhelmed and don't know where to they do nothing.
I believe that everyone should be surrounded by beauty in their homes and that shouldn't have to do with how much you spend.
I think sometimes we can get lost and distracted with everything that comes at us each day.
Sometimes things can look so perfect and we as women may feel inadequate.
It is time to exhale and delight in your home.
It is time to open your doors because of what is inside of you...not what is inside your home.
Our desire is that this five week online course will change how you see yourself, your home and your family.
* Each week you will have amazing truthful videos from not only the five teachers but other creative women.
* Each week we will take a room from one of YOU and all five women will give their suggestions telling you how they would transform the room with their style.
* There will be 50+ project videos.
These will be incredible videos that include everything from gardening, cooking, gift giving and decorating.
* There will be written tips from each woman telling you how she starts a room, picks paint, fabrics, etc. You will learn where to start when putting your own home together.
* Tons of beautiful house photos from each of the five women.
* Videos that truly reflect what life is like in each of their homes. The stuff that life is really about. Believe me it has nothing to do with the perfect table setting.
* Each woman will share their own truthful journey about how they started making their home a reflection of their hearts.
* Each person registered will get an easy entertaining e-book to download.
It will contain go to recipes for beautiful and easy entertaining (they do go together), photos of table settings that take the stress out of having people over, favorite drinks and so much more (and their funniest entertaining story).
* There will be a private Facebook group to connect with other class members.
* There will be a once a week live discussion with one of the teachers!
* You will get printables and pdfs to keep and use again and again.
This course is about loving your home, loving your family and blessing those around you....and having fun doing it.
If you have taken my other courses you know how much I put into them.
This course will lavish you with ideas, beauty, inspiration, joy and encouragement!
Come and play house with us.
Class begins October 22.
Registration is now open!

I hope you are all excited, I know I am.

Here is how it works.
Leave me a comment,
 let me know you are inspired to take this journey.

Anyone can leave a comment,
even if you are not registered,
you just have to leave your name(first) & email so
I can contact you if win.

Each time you leave a comment you are automatically  entered to win.

To increase your chances to win you can
leave additional comments,
letting me know
1. shared this on Facebook.
2. shared this on Twitter.
3. shared this on Pintrest.
4. Emailed this link.

Be sure to enter,
 you do not want to miss this class.
It will be the best thing you will do for yourself and your home.
It will be a creative journey you will not forget!!!

Click here
if you would like to register early.

You have until Wednesday at midnight EST
and the winners will be announced this Thursday.

Good Luck!!
Enjoy your weekend,




  1. I have been thinking about doing this course so am thrilled to have a chance at winning a place. Thanks so much for this opportunity.
    Sam x

  2. I've been struggling along trying to make my home feel like me. I've made some progress and I am thinking this class may be just what i need to reflect my family and I in our home. Thanks for the chance to be a part of such a fabulous concept.

  3. Oh, please pick me! We are about to move into a rental for a few months and I need some help making our temporary home more of a home and I can carry over what I learn to the next home we build!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. OH, I am repinning on Pinterest. Thanks.

  6. How I would love to be a part of this! My home and family mean so much to me, I spend so many hours looking at all your homes but I lack the confidence I need to do projects. My husband says I have a sickness with home decor. I open my doors alot to family and friends and all I want is a warm and inviting home I am a 52 year old wife, mother & Grandma, I work a full time job to. Please help me create the home of my dreams

  7. As a gal who loves nothing more than hanging out on a Friday night with my hubs and girls, making homemade pizzas then cuddling on the sofa under a furry throw watching a movie, I too think a home is all about the people who live there. I'd love to get the perspective of you 5 amazing ladies! Any chance I have to talk decorating, I'm in!

  8. And of course I'm tweeting this right now!

  9. Would love to take part in this. I am in great need on inspiration at home. I am one of those that feel overwhelmed :-). I look around and think where do I start and then get discouraged. My home and family are so important to me and I want to bring "the real us" into the house decor. I would love to meet/see you wonderful ladies in this class and make lasting connections. Thanks bunches for looking at this.

  10. Ditto will add to facebook. And email is below :-)

  11. It sounds like a great course with lots of great ideas.

  12. It sounds like a great course with lots of great ideas.

  13. This will definitely be fabulous for everyone who participates. In my younger years I was all about keeping the house perfect. Now I strive to make it warm and comfortable, reflecting us and what we love. I would love to win!

  14. I love to decorate. I am looking for new inspiration. Count me in!
    Sue L

  15. What a timely opportunity! I would so enjoy being a part of this. Thanks for the chance.

  16. A big transition is brewing at our home as our older daughter is entering her senior year. For some reason, this is inspiring me to re-envision our surroundings. Could it be the graduation parties we'll be hosting next May?
    Joining everyone in this "guided exploration" would be a joy!

  17. it would be a pleasure to win a seat in class!


  18. I would love to take this course! Thank you so much for the chance to win. I can only imagine the inspiration these amazing ladies have to share!

  19. This class sounds amazing! Thank you!

  20. The class sounds very intriguing and interesting to say the least! Thank you for a chance to win access to a wealth of inspirational goodness from these awesome women!!! Keeping my fingers crossed :)

    Gloria from Illinois

  21. P.S. adding the info to pinterest and spreading the word

    Kindest Regards

    Gloria from Illinois

  22. This sounds so awesome! My heart aches at the thought of my home being a fraction as beautiful as all of yours!!

  23. I would LOVE the chance to gain some insight from some of my blogging 'idols'! Thanks for the chance :)

  24. Thanks for the chance to win! I think it would be awesome to have new ideas to continue my decorating journey!

  25. I admire all of these ladies so much. They all have such great style and beautiful homes. It's a fantastic idea. I think my favorite part would be to get some advice on decorating one of my own rooms. Please put me in the entry to win.

  26. Hi Jen,

    Thanks for sharing all of your creative ideas with us. This e-course sound so interesting!!

    Laura L.

  27. Sounds great! I am constantly redecorating and would love some new ideas!

  28. Hi Jen - your sister in law sent me your site! Would love to gave a chance to win an e-course and be on your mailing list.. Not sure how to register for all that ..Can you Email: the how to... Thanks great site !!

    1. Just posted on Facebook!! Again great site

    2. And also.. I can use a lot of help being more creative in my house!!!! Can't wait to view the site n read the blog often!!

  29. I am so grateful for this wonderful opportunity. It would be so nice to learn from these very talented women. Julie N.

  30. You are doing so many cool things, Jen! This sounds exciting! Thanks for the chance! See you soon!


  31. just tweeted about the giveaway and your beautiful blog.


  32. also emailed the link to the giveaway--would love to share in the experience!


  33. Wow, what an amazing group of talent there! That course looks fantastic, there's so much to it and right now I really need a kick in the creative department. Please enter me in your giveaway as well, I'd love to win!

  34. This is such a cool opportunity and I'm completey interested in the challenge! We just bought a new house in April and it still has bare walls because the act of decorating is so overwhelming to me. Please enter me into the giveaway! Thanks for the chance Jenn.


  35. I also put this course on Facebook!

    Thanks! Lacey

  36. I am always looking for some inspiration and some HELP! This seems like an exciting opportunity.

  37. What a great concept - thank you for the opportunity!
    Lori S.

  38. Thanks for sharing this wonderful opportunity! The course sounds very interesting, especially for those of us who need this type of help and inspiration.

  39. Let's just say I need all the help I can get!! PICK ME!!! ( :

  40. I would love this e-course! I really need help re-decorating my master bathroom! Please pick me!
    Thanks! Sharon

  41. Gonna tweet it for an extra, last minute chance too x
