Saturday, July 14, 2012

Lavender By The Bay

Lavender is one of my favorite herbs.
So when my mother in law asked if we(the boys & I) wanted to go
to the Lavender Farm.
I said"YES!"
Not sure the boys were too into it, but I did a little bribing:).

The farm is Lavender By The Bay
 in East Marion, NY, it is on the North Fork of Long Island.
It is quiet & peaceful and bursting with history & charm.
There is a slower pace here, lined with farms & vineyards,
you feel like you have been transported to a different time, a simpler time.
The North Fork is truly a hidden gem.
I feel so lucky to spend a good deal of time here
blessed that my boys get to experience a little bit of the "country."

The fragrance is intoxicating,
the minute you drive into the parking lot
the lovely scent of lavender fills the air.
If you spend $8 you get to walk the fields.
The shop was packed with people longing to capture the fragrance
bring it home with them.
I had to hold myself back from buying more than I did.

Shane & Jack had fun,
watching the bees mostly:).

If you are ever in the area, it is a definite must visit.
The aromas alone will make you insanely happy.
The sweet smells of lavender now fill my home,
I am not sure any of the "men" in my house care too much:)
but I am glad I could capture a little piece of this day.

On a side note,
I was featured on Miss Mustard Seed.
Head of over & check it out:)

Sharing this link at
Savvy Sothern Style
Faded Charm
A Rural Journal
Edit Me Challenge

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!


  1. I loooove lavender and have trouble finding some. This looks heavenly.

  2. Hi Rosonda! If you call them, they might be able to send some to you, I think they close in a few days for harvest. If you click the link there should be a #.
    Have a great Sat!Jen

  3. Wow this looks amazing!! I've never been a massive fan of lavender myself, but I bet the aroma in the fields was stunning! The pictures are lovely :-)

    Emily @ Design and Nonsense

    P.s. I've got a giveaway going on at Design and Nonsense at the moment-be sure to enter, to be in with a chance!

  4. We are actually headed to a lavender field here in Idaho tomorrow. Your post has gotten me so excited. All of your pictures are beautiful.

  5. I have a couple of lavender plants growing in rotted logs here on the farm and the smell is wonderful on these hot days -- I can't image what a whole field would smell like.

    Awesome photos of your day.

    Thanks for sharing at YSB this week. xo

  6. I LOVE lavender too. How neat that you got to visit the farm. Great pics of your adventure.

  7. All lovely photos but my favourite is the last one...LOVE it!

  8. Heavenly lavender! Lucky you to visit the farm. And the vignette on your chair is fabulous.

  9. That looks like a little bit of heaven!! Thank you for visiting my blog so I could find your adorable blog!!

  10. Jen,
    Thanks for taking the time to come visit us and for writing such a nice post!!! Hope to see you during the next bloom!

  11. Beautiful photos! It just looks like the south of France =) xo Anja
