Tuesday, October 16, 2012

City Farmhouse Christmas 2012

I hope you all had
a restful weekend & are off to a good week.
I can't believe it is that time of year again,
but.....it is,
well for me anyways.
I have been busy designing new items for the holiday season
at my ETSY shop.
I hope you like:)!
"May your walls know joy,
your rooms be filled with laughter
may your windows be open to possiblity."
Hoping you have a wonderful week,


  1. Your Christmas preview is GORGEOUS! You have such an artistic eye and a style that is all your own.
    I am off to see your etsy shop!

  2. Jen, these are great. I feel the same, Christmas planning needs to start.

  3. It all looks lovely. I better start thinking about Christmas soon. Guess I better get those halloween costumes soon.

  4. shorewoodbay@etsy.comOctober 19, 2012 at 3:47 AM

    LOVE,LOVE all of you things!

  5. shorewoodbay@etsy.comOctober 19, 2012 at 3:50 AM

    Your things I meant..ahh why do I post before my eyes are barely open in the morning!

  6. Everything looks wonderful...love the burlap silhouettes!

  7. I love the JOY letters. So simple and rustic, but so beautiful. What a great collection!

  8. Hi I very like your blog!
    I'm from Québec and i'm happy to see some english people use some french word like Noël but u make a mistake ;) u forgot the accent on the E :P lol it's not grave! French people use a lot of english word for decorate too!

    Sorry for my english!
    Jessica :)
