Thursday, August 23, 2012

And the Winners Are....

Happy Thursday!
It's time:).
The names were just thrown into my son's
cowboy hat.
I am sure there was a better way to do this but.....
 I  just have to say that picking names out of a hat to give away free stuff is so much fun!
drum roll please.
And the winners are
1. Julie N.
2.Andrea from Keeping It Cozy
3. Julie F.
I know you will enjoy every minute of this amazing creative journey.
For all of you who didn't win the giveaway,
there is still time.
Just click here to register.
Trust me, you don't want to miss this class:).
Have a great afternoon all,


  1. Oh well - congrats to the winners!

  2. I am so excited. Can't wait to begin. Julie N.

  3. Thanks again for this great giveaway! I am so excited to take the course... I know it will be absolutely amazing. Always love visiting your blog! Have a great weekend.
