Monday, July 30, 2012

Simple Summer Days

Sometimes it's those
SIMPLE summer days
that end up being the
BEST days.

One day last week we had one of those days,
we stayed home ALL day,
played on the porch,
read books,
had a little picnic outside,
and played in the yard.

It was GREAT!
Don't get me wrong I enjoy the hectic fun
that comes with summer but
sometimes a day home,
is needed.
Can anyone relate?


This Friday is Style House.
Don't forget to pop back over!
I am featuring a very talented blogger and etsy seller who has seamlessly integrated
a coastal theme into her stunning Idaho home.

Also, my talented friend Jeanne is hosting on an e-course
I am excited to have been asked to be a guest speaker.
It will be phenomenal, you don't wan't to miss it!
Registration has begun, trust me it is worth every penny
you will enjoy every minute:).

 I hope you are all enjoying your summer too:)!


  1. Jen, Just look at those precious boys! I would stay home forever with them! Love it up... they grow up way too fast!

  2. I just love summer days at home. What sweet photos!

  3. Hi Jen! What a sweet post. I love days like that sooo much!!! I found your blog on At The Picket Fence. Your dining room is gorgeous!
    A new follower...
