Monday, July 2, 2012

Beach Bike Silhouette Wall Art Tutorial

I hope everyone had a nice weekend.
We enjoyed the weekend with friends,
 had dinner at the beach & relaxed poolside.
It felt good to take things a little slower.

A perfect way to begin summer.
I am in need of more weekends like this:)!

Speaking of summer & the beach.
I just completed a project for the boys playroom
 that was so fun and easy
that I had to share.
Beach Bike Silhouette Art

It involves 2 of my favorite materials lately,
wall decals.

I spent just under $20 dollars for this 32" x 24" piece of art,
which is amazing considering the size.

Here is a simple step by step for this project.

1. Find your decal.
A great place is etsy.
I found mine at Deco Mod Walls.

2. Have your wood cut larger that the decal,
my decal was 22" x 14"
so I allowed myself an extra 5" (my wood was cut at 32" x 24")
on each side & top and bottom.
A nice fella at the home improvement store cut the wood for me.

3. Sand edges
4. Prime away, even sides.

5. Pick your background color.
I picked a color I had left over from my son's room,
that way you can keep cost down,
otherwise you should be able to do it with a sample.
Usually they are around $3 or $4.

6. Tape up a design. I choose to take my stripes in from the edge about an inch.
Be sure to use a good painters tape & press the edges to seal it.
Roll on the color,
I used 2 coats of crisp white that I had left over.

7. Peel off tape right away  & slowly,
(sorry for the bad picture, it was late.)

8. Sand,
 that way if you goofed a little, like me, 
 you won't know.

9. Decal time.
The instructions come with your purchase & are so easy.
Once you have it placed where you want it, take a smooth edge
and press along the decal.

10. Carefully & slowly take off the backing

You are ready to hang it.

I think I am inspired to go for a bike ride,
how about you?

I hope everyone is enjoying their summer
thank you for visiting.

Linking up with



  1. Hi Jen,
    First time visitor from Must Love Junk. :) New follower, too! Love your style.

  2. Jen,
    I got here through 36th Avenue and I just love this project! So cute. Makes me feel like going for a bike ride too.
    I'm a new follower too!

  3. I found your blog on 36th Avenue and I just love this project! Where did you get the decal? I'm your newest follower!

    Kimberly @

  4. This is such a fun piece of artwork! It has such a vintage feel to it yet the lines are so crisp and clean. Lovely!

    I wonder if I could make something like this on a smaller scale with my Silhouette. I do have some fun green vinyl . . .

    Thanks for the inspiration!

  5. This is so charming! Love it in pink :) I also found you through 36th Avenue!

  6. Wow! Beautiful mix of colors! You have a great style - I'm a new follower!

  7. That is so adorable!! Love the pink/gray color scheme!
