Thursday, June 7, 2012

Simple Bruschetta & The Toasted Triple B

I have always been an appetizer girl,
anyone who knows me knows this fact to be true.
Luckily I married an appetizer guy.

Many nights instead of making full dinners,
 we just make a bunch of apps, maybe some wine & have a little picnic.
This became a frequent event right from the beginning of our relationship,
we are "picnic people."
We have them inside and out
 when the little ones came, they joined in too and they love it!
My son, who is 7 likes to have them inside especially,
in the cold winter months by the fire.
He is an old soul & I think it's adorable that he likes them too.

So... that leads me to this post.
I collect recipes, especially tappas recipes.
There are a few that I absolutely love in the summer time.
This is one of them,
"Simple Bruschetta."

It is sooo easy & versatile,
we eat it on tortillas, pita chips, crackers, 
grilled sliced french bread & mozzarella,
really anything I have in my pantry. 


Simple Bruschetta
3 medium chopped tomatoes
3-4 garlic cloves pressed & chopped
2 lemons squeezed, remove seeds
4tbs olive oil
salt & pepper to taste
tsp fresh parsley
4-5  fresh mint leaves chopped
6-7 fresh basil leaves chopped

On to my newest food invention/addiction.

The Toasted Triple B
on French Bread

Looks yummy right, it taste even yummier:)!

Start with your french bread/baguette, slice it.
Layer olive oil mayo & sprinkle blue cheese
(a good amount)on both sides.

Next, add the bruschetta then layer the crispy bacon
(you can go without the bacon, it is just as good.)

Sprinkle fresh chopped basil & close.
Wrap in foil & bake @ 350 for a few.

BTW-husbands like it too:)

I shared this link @
At The Picket Fence

Happy day everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Oh we are definitely kindred spirits!! My husband laughs at me about how thrilled I am to have a plate full of "munchies". LOL! And we are some bruschetta lovin' fools around here so this recipe is perfect. :-) Your blog is just absolutely beautiful and I can't wait to take a peek at some of your other posts. Thanks so much for joining our Inspiration Friday party this week!
